Written by Sample HubSpot User | Oct 30, 2020 3:27:41 AM

Q: Now that everything's online, what is your typical school day like?

I guess Wednesday is like my break day and every other day is pretty much a study day.

Q: And what do you typically do on these study days?

I'm usually opening up all of the online work and self-learning.

Q: Have you had any lectures yet?


Q: for these lectures are they live or pre-recorded?


Q: For the lectures that you have that are live, do you find them at all understandable or engaging?

Yeah, and they're pretty short too.

Q: What do you mean by they're short?

They're usually just like a quick summary. The rest of my lessons right now are pretty self-taught.

"My lessons right now are pretty self-taught.


Q: Since most of your lessons are self-taught, do you use any outside resources in order to help you learn?

Mainly Quizlet and the textbook sites that my professors have given us.

Q: In regards to the textbook, is it difficult for you to absorb the information that you find in there?

Depending on which books, yes.

Q: Considering that textbook information can be pretty dense, have you overall been struggling to learn the material?

Yes, I have. It’s difficult when your professors are pretty much like ‘here, learn this, and do this assignment’. We are all pretty much working on our own at the moment.

Q: If you have any questions for your teachers, how do you go about asking them?

You ask the TAs first before you ask the teacher and if not, you go to the group chat.

Q: How have the TAS been as far as answering your questions?

They're pretty good, they're pretty responsive.

Q: More so than your teacher?

Yes, very.

Q: As far as your group chat goes, how responsive have they been?

They're actually pretty helpful most of the time, more so than the teachers I would say. They usually clear all of my questions before I have to ask the TA.

Q: In this group chat where you're talking to your classmates have you been able to meet new people through them?

No, not really.

Q: Are there any extra resources that your teachers have given in order to help you succeed in their classes?

They've given us some links to other study sites but that's about it.

Q: With remote learning, would you say that you've benefited at all from it?

Kind of, I can do all of my assignments at any time

Q: Do you have a set schedule as far as how you complete your assignments and lectures?

Starting from 9 to maybe around 6 is usually when I do all of my work. I don’t really give myself time to slack off.

Q: Now that you are online do you find yourself completing more coursework?

There are definitely more assignments to do, but I also feel that the professors are cramming in too much stuff without realizing that other classes are doing the same thing.

Q: Going off of that idea, is your school email getting bombarded with information from your teachers?

Yup, that and school notifications.

Q: How has it been organizing everything?

I have separate emails for all of them and I also have a planner for all of my assignments.

Q: Are you at all worried about losing track of your assignments and just getting overwhelmed with everything within the semester?

Yes, which is why I'm trying to get ahead of assignments at the moment.

Q: How is it like for you having to do all of your assignments and lectures from one location?

It definitely takes some discipline and I take a lot of breaks, probably more than I should. It kind of gets boring sometimes.