SchoolName: Cal State Fullerton

Year: Junior

Major: Business

GPA: 3.7

Q: What is your school schedule like, and what does your day consist of?

Right now, I'm taking a few classes so pretty much my day revolves around school. It's all online of course though, so luckily all of my teachers have been pretty good with Canvas. It kind of helps with balancing everything. Canvas has everything in place where it will show you all of the things you need to do for each class. That definitely helps, but it is still a lot of work

Q: Right now with the classes that you are taking, what is your workload like? Do you feel like your classes have assigned you more work or is it about the same as last semester?

Honestly, since they just started it hasn't been a lot. It's mostly been just introducing yourself and doing review discussions. It's going to pick up now though, I'm going to have to start my lab soon. Yeah, it's going to get pretty busy I'm sure.

Q: What are you doing for your lab?

It's pretty much a workshop just pertaining mainly to essay organization. It's an English writing class.

Q: Are you attending that in person?

No, thankfully it's an online workshop.

"It definitely feels though that I have to be more focused on school this semester because now there is no excuse. I don't have a job right now so what excuse do I have to not do as good as I should be doing?"


Q: So how has the whole college experience changed for you now that you have to stay at home?

It's definitely a lot different here, it's definitely now a lot more focused on school. It's nice to sometimes have that separation from school such as seeing your friends or going to different places to hang out and not think about school. But with this whole rona thing, it's kind of changed all of that. For example, I was supposed to attend a concert this semester but obviously that got canceled. It definitely feels though that I have to be more focused on school this semester because now there is no excuse. I don't have a job right now so what excuse do I have to not do as good as I should be doing?

Q: How have your teachers been as far as being tech-savvy and moving everything online?

So far so good. Most of my teachers have given a lot of their resources in order to contact them and they each respond pretty quickly. Thankfully none of my teachers seem to be having any issues so far on the tech front but I guess we'll have to see as the semester continues.

Q: Have you been able to meet any new people or connect with your classmates at all?

I mean I see a few familiar faces in the class, like people that I've taken classes with before. But no I haven't really met anyone new per se. Also, I don't really talk to my classmates all too much unless I have to. I usually just keep to myself and that goes for both in-person and online classes

""But that is a focus for me right now, just overall fixing that aspect of myself. I definitely don't want to let everything get out of hand and this semester, I'm really going to make sure that I do all of my assigned readings and not just ignore them or lag on anything else."


Q: Are you worried at all about keeping up with your classes?

Yes, absolutely. I'm already a little behind because I have put some things off and obviously that never helps me. But that is a focus for me right now, just overall fixing that aspect of myself. I definitely don't want to let everything get out of hand and this semester, I'm really going to make sure that I do all of my assigned readings and not just ignore them or lag on anything else. I do have a few classes, but since I have more time now to focus on those classes, I am going to make it a mission to try and stay on top of everything.

Q: How is it like for you having to do everything from home now?

Honestly, I'm already kind of used to it. I know for most students they are kind of scared of this really big difference but for me, I don't see it as too much of a change from what I was already doing last semester.

Q: Any other concerns you have in regards to school?

I don't know, I just really hope that I'm able to be successful this semester. I know it's hard and I know it's a change from what most people are used to, but I'm hoping that since I don't really have anything else to focus on other than school, that I can really make an effort to do my best.

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