Which Students Will Benefit the Most from Online Studying?

Pause for a minute. Forget about the number of emails in your inbox or the meeting coming up that you are second-guessing.


Ask yourself, “How many unique student categories, create the overall student body makeup on my college campus?”




Students are already trying to study online because there is a massive problem that online studying solves for them. There’s not a college student in debt who desires to fail. When you think about the vast types of students you have, and their unique combinations of life situations they bring with them, you will quickly become an expert in picking which students will benefit the most from online studying.





- Students who work: Hard to engage with peers due to responsibilities

- Students who commute: Challenges with proximity to peers for offline studying and campus resources

- Adult learners: Family and work obligations on top of not being engaged in the rigor of academic studying in what could be 5 to 15 years or more

- Students enrolled in a distance course: Lack of offline/traditional study access to peers

- First-year and first-generation students: New students on campus who have not formed offline relationships for studying, and who have not been exposed to the academic challenges that will come

- STEM majors: Very difficult course offerings with lower pass rates causing students to transfer out of STEM

- Students enrolled in high DFW rate courses: Courses which have proven historically to be very hard for students to pass with the current support offered







A student enrolled on a college campus has visions of success and crossing the finish line, not hopes of disappointment and embarrassment. Digital studying has the potential to break down barriers and better help digital natives with their job to be done, which is succeeding on your campus. We’ve thought deeply about your students, their situations, their obstacles, and how to help them accomplish their goals.





At CircleIn, we’re here to bring students closer together and don’t be shy to ask about our grant funding. We’re partnering with 13 more higher ed institutions to improve student success and shrink D’s, F’s and W’s with our easy to use studying app.

by Gerald Meggett Jr., CEO and Co-founder of CircleIn

Published October 11, 2020

CircleIn is where classmates gather to study in unity, share skills, attack really difficult problems, build better study habits, and push each other to succeed.

Ready to learn more about how CircleIn can help support your students? Contact our team to schedule a demo today.

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