What is Online Studying?

There has been a multi-generational run-up to online studying. When my mom went to college, she had to ask classmates, who double as perfect strangers very personal questions…


- Where do you live?


- When do you work?


- Are you good at Calculus?


- When are your free?


- Would you like to go study with me?


This is like an awkward dating game. If she got rejected because Steven wasn't a match, she’d have to repeat the process all over with the hopes of not getting rejected.



When I was in school, there was this thing called AOL instant messenger. You know, “You’ve got mail,” but with live chat. This was a game-changer for studying because studying went online! I could ask a friend a question or for help, without ever leaving my bedroom.


As the rise of social media developed, it killed AOL, but gave birth to more social channels for students to try to repurpose for online studying. There is existing evidence that students are trying to study online today, they are just using the wrong apps.



Online studying enables a natural network of classmates who share the same professor, to put their heads together, collaborate and tackle tough challenges online versus begin forced to find the perfect time to meet in a dorm or the library. Online studying contains the academic enrichment of in-person studying, but is far better because of the unique benefits and use cases of studying going online.



When you think about the opportunity for online studying to drive student success forward, there are a wide variety of student

demographics who will benefit the most. 


Almost 100% of students have a phone, and they live the greater majority of their lives online. When you think about it, everything a student does from communicating to watching movies, to sharing photos, to transferring money, is all done online.


It’s only natural for more college and university campuses to adopt an online studying platform to enable studying that fits the model of student behavior. 


Students won't have to use Facebook to study anymore and schools will gather data/insights that can provide rapid feedback to improve teaching and learning.



At CircleIn, we’re here to bring students closer together and don’t be shy to ask about our grant funding. We’re partnering with 13 more higher ed institutions to improve student success and shrink D’s, F’s and W’s with our easy to use studying app.


by Gerald Meggett Jr., CEO and Co-founder of CircleIn

Published October 4, 2020

CircleIn is where classmates gather to study in unity, share skills, attack really difficult problems, build better study habits, and push each other to succeed.

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