How to Ask for Help (Without Shame)

Most of us have been there. You’re sitting in class listening to the lecture and taking good notes, but you’re lost. You want to raise your hand and ask a question, but you’re embarrassed and don’t want to announce to the whole class that you have no idea what’s going on. 


Let’s face it: asking for help is HARD! Here are some ways to ask for help that won’t make you break out into a cold sweat: 


  1. Talk to your professor after class or during office hours


Unless your professor has another class right after yours, he or she will probably be happy to go over parts of the lecture with you and answer your questions. 


  1. Send an email


If you’re rushing off to another class, sending an email asking for clarity or assistance is a quick, low-stress  way to get help. 


  1. Catch up with a classmate after class


If you know someone in your class or sit next to the same person every day, asking them a quick question about the content is a nice way to get help and build relationships with your classmates. 


  1. Try CircleIn 


Maybe those ideas seem daunting. If you are shy or don’t know anyone in your class, even asking after class can be scary and embarrassing. Or maybe you are a commuter or a working student or have kids at home and don’t have time to stay after class. Now there is a way to ask for help where other students not only want to help, they are being rewarded for it! 


The CircleIn allows you to post questions to the other students in your class. It even gives you points for posting. The person or people who answer your question also get points. There are points for thanking those who answered your question and points for posting the most helpful answer so other students will work hard to give you a good answer. These points can be used for gift cards, scholarships, or other incentives. 


You may find that other students have the same question, or that you understood something that someone else didn’t and then you have the chance to help them. There is no shame in a community of students learning together. 


This works for homework as well. If you are having a hard time with math problems or the biology reading, CircleIn App is a great place to see other students notes, ask for help with the homework, or even start a study session - all online. 


This low-stress way of asking for help can give you academic support, confidence in your work, and help you build community with your classmates. 

by Stacy Brown

Published October 12, 2021

CircleIn is where classmates gather to study in unity, share skills, attack really difficult problems, build better study habits, and push each other to succeed.

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