What Apps are Students Using to Try to Study Online?
There is a massive problem that online studying solves, and significant evidence that shows students are already trying to study online. Every single day, there are students who struggle with their work and their studies after class. No question about that.

You also can’t think about a student without at least one social media account, and who doesn't have their head down in their phone every available moment. But, hey, don't beat up your students for this behavior. He who is without sin, cast the first stone.

Today it’s just natural to fill almost every free moment with the thumb and the phone. We would all get arrested and be guilty of the same crime of “1st-degree smartphone abuse”. With all the pressure to succeed, what are students doing now when they are struggling? There is existing evidence that students are already trying to study online. They are just trying to form groups with classmates via email, text, Facebook groups, Instagram, but it's so easy to get distracted by photos of friends back home, real news, fake news and pictures of wild parties.
The behavior is there where students are attempting to study online, they are just doing it with the wrong apps. What is this student desire telling us? Students want to succeed, they are aiming to engage with classmates, but they don’t have a dedicated platform to do it (we’ve of course fixed that last part).

We built something students want clearly want. An online place where they can get the help they need, solve difficult problems with their classmates and study hard before the high-pressure test.
If you didn’t know that your students are already trying to study online, you’ll be eager to discover why.
At CircleIn, we’re here to bring students closer together and don’t be shy to ask about our grant funding. We’re partnering with 13 more higher ed institutions to improve student success and shrink D’s, F’s and W’s with our easy to use studying app.

by Gerald Meggett Jr., CEO and Co-founder of CircleIn
Published October 7, 2020
CircleIn is where classmates gather to study in unity, share skills, attack really difficult problems, build better study habits, and push each other to succeed.
Ready to learn more about how CircleIn can help support your students? Contact our team to schedule a demo today.