2 min read

How to Stay Connected in College

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When students first get to college, and move into dorms it can be lonely and overwhelming. A student is, most likely, in a new place with all new people. They are in a new surrounding and on their own, but the best thing to do is get connected. Whether it is through school, greek life, or any other organizations, meeting people is key to feeling connected in college which will also lead to an easier transition. Although at first a student may feel like they won’t meet anyone, they will! Don’t stress.

1. Get involved.

Whether a student chooses to get involved with clubs at school, church/religious organizations, or through a different organization, getting involved will introduce you to many people. Through being involved you are not only able to meet people, but it also gives you a purpose.

2. Do your best to be outgoing, and don’t be afraid to approach people.

All incoming freshmen are all feeling the same way that you are, and it is totally normal! Try your best to be outgoing and approachable, and don’t be afraid to start conversation. Whether it is with your roommate, or someone you see on the street, talk to them!

3. Use your classes to connect with others.

If you are unable to physically meet students that are in your classes, find a way to connect with the students outside of class. The CircleIn application has a Chat section which allows you to converse with other students. Students are able to ask questions, help each other, and just get to know one another.

Above are some tips to best feel and stay connected when coming into college as a freshman. A successful student not only excels at school, but also is connected to others in any form. Meeting people and getting involved is the best way to seamlessly adapt to college life, and allows you to love college!